The Edgar Pye Research Scholarship
Every year the Edgar Pye Research Scholarship offers a prize of £1750 for the undertaking of an original research. The research must relate to farm animal feed or raw materials, feeding systems, nutrition or production; or to the consumer requirements for farm animal produce (i.e. milk, meat or eggs).
Applicants must be students of an agricultural (or related) discipline or animal feed industry employees, resident in the UK or Republic of Ireland. The prize money may be used to fund the research and/or for travelling overseas.
Application Procedure
Applications must include a research proposal of no more than 5000 words, type written, double spaced, single-sided on A4 paper. Applications must also include an outline budget of how the prize money will be used to fund the research or travel. All applications must arrive at the Edgar Pye Research Scholarship Trust by Tuesday 1 February 2007 with the winner being notified of their award within 6 weeks of the line date.
The award will be given to the applicant, who, in the opinion of the panel of judges, has most capably:
* identified an area of research relevant to the UK and Irish Compound Feed Industry in the forthcoming five years
* prepared a programme thoroughly, including sources of information
* recognised realistically the cost of this research and how it can be completed within the budget of £1750
* presented the proposals clearly and according to the rules
Further Information
Further information on the scheme can be obtained by contacting the Edgar Pye Research Scholarship Trust at:
The Edgar Pye Research Scholarship Trust
c/o SFT
2 Highmoor Road
Tel: 0118 947 5737
Fax: 0118 947 5737
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