Wednesday, February 01, 2006

International Essay Competition 2006

Young people are not only the future, they are the now. More than one fifth of the world’s population is between the ages of 12 and 24, with 1.3 billion young people living in developing countries.

Over the last two years, consultations with youth and research work have demonstrated that youth can make a difference in fighting poverty through their actions and advocacy activities in youth organizations. Youth are indeed key agents of change, but too often the nature and impact of their programs is not recognized or documented as it should be, and youth face
difficulties being heard and engaging more directly in civic life.

In order to learn from youth how they can make a difference in reducing poverty, the World Bank is launching the International Essay Competition 2006 with the following topic:

WANTED – Your Practical Solutions!
Participants will be requested to focus their essay on one of the following two questions (topics will be finalized shortly):

Topic 1: How do you contribute to solving community problems?

You’re making an impact - or you have ideas - on working with your peers on important projects, for example: improving education, resolving conflict, limiting the spread of HIV/AIDS, or promoting youth employment.

1) If you have been personally involved in community work, write specifically about your experience:
Who have you worked with? Who have you helped? What have you accomplished? Why is it innovative or successful? How have you measured the results of your work?

Describe the future:
How would you improve your impact? How can other youth replicate your experience?

2) If you don’t have practical experience, write specifically about your ideas:
How would you work with your peers to solve community problems?

Topic 2: How do you influence decision making?

You’ve helped influence - or you have ideas on influencing - decisions on important issues that affect your community:

1) If you have been personally involved in advocacy work, write specifically about your experience:
What have you accomplished? How did you convince decision makers to listen to you? What obstacles have you overcome? How have you measured the results of your work?

Describe the future:
How would you improve your advocacy? How can other youth adapt your ideas to become more involved in decision-making?

2) If you don’t have practical experience, write specifically about your ideas:
How could youth better influence decision-making?

Who can take part in the World Essay Competition
The World Essay Competition is open to all young people, students and non-students alike, between the ages of 18 and 25. Essays should be submitted by individuals.

The competition will launch on February 1, 2005 through a massive media campaign, and posters and leaflets in universities and youth clubs. The launch will be carried out in close collaboration with World Bank country offices worldwide.

The competition will be entirely web-based (guidelines, submission of papers, review process, etc).

Young people will be invited to submit their essay (max. 10 pages – 4,000 words) and an abstract (max. 1 page) in French, English or Spanish. The abstract will serve as the basis for the 1st round selection.

The deadline for submission is April 1, 2006. The winners will be selected by a jury composed of representatives from the World Bank and partner organizations: UNAM University, Mexico; Jadavpur University, India; Cairo University, Egypt; University of Texas in San Antonio, USA; student organizations AEGEE (Europe) and AIESEC (International); Africa Leadership Forum; National Federation of Egyptian NGOs; Conciencia Association, Argentina; Researchers Alliance for Development (RAD) and JA Worldwide (Junior Achievement).

The jury will finalize its selections by May 1, 2006. Finalists will be invited to present their essays to a panel of experts. The winner(s) will present their work to the audience of the ABCDE 2006 conference in Tokyo, Japan, followed by an award ceremony on May 30, 2006.

Presentations will be taped and posted on the internet at

A summary of the best essays will be published in the months that follow the award ceremony.

Selection Criteria for Winning Essays
Evaluation criteria will include: quality of proposals, structure and coherence of the arguments, originality/creativity, style, use of sources and evidence.

Awards include $10,000 in prize money:
§ A grand prize of $5,000
§ Runner-up prizes of $1,000
§ The jury reserves the right to modify the allocation depending the number of winning essays.

Schedule of the Essay Competition
February 1, 2005 Launch of the Essay Competition -Submissions accepted
April 1, 2006 Deadline for Submissions
May 1, 2006 Announcement of finalists
May 29 2006 May 30, 2006 Finalists present their essay to the JuryAward ceremony


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