Monday, February 11, 2008

PhD student, Humboldt University Berlin (Germany)

PhD student

Humboldt University Berlin (Germany)

Ph.D. Student in the International research project “Making Rural
Services Work for the Poor – The Role of Rural Institutions and their

Governance for Agriculture-led Development”

Applications are invited for the position of a PhD student from 3/2008
to 12/2010. Successful candidates will join an already operating team
three PhD students in the international research project “Making
Services Work for the Poor – The Role of Rural Institutions and their

Governance for Agriculture-led Development”
This joint project is led by the International Food Policy Research
Institute (IFPRI), Washington DC, USA, and two collaborating divisions
at Humboldt University Berlin, Germany, i.e. Division of Resource
Economics and Division of Co-operative Sciences. The Ph.D. student will

conduct several months of empirical research in Guatemala, as one out
four analyzed countries (India, Uganda, Kyrgyzstan, Guatemala), and
complete a PhD thesis. For improving her/his methodological skills, the

Ph.D. student will spend 4 months at the Workshop in Political Theory
and Policy Analysis, Indiana University, USA, during Fall Semester
as part of her/his project commitment. The main research question will
be whether particular rural services, for example agricultural
extension, marketing and processing, health care, education, drinking
water and irrigation or mobility, can improve the livelihoods of the
rural poor by reinforcing their property rights and access to
Special emphasis will be given to the role of producer and consumer
associations and co-operatives as a means to self-organize for the
poor. The successful candidate should have a university degree in
agricultural economics, political sciences, general economics or
disciplines. Applicants are expected to have strong research interests,

particularly with regard to institutional analysis and development
economics, and very good command of English and Spanish. Knowledge of
Latin American, in particular Central American countries (Guatemala),
would be an advantage. The salary will be according to German research
stipendia scheme. Applications of qualified women are encouraged. Equal

qualification provided, preference will be given to disabled
Applications, enclosing full CV and all relevant documentation, should
be sent to Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Konrad Hagedorn, Humboldt University
Berlin, Faculty of Agriculture and Horticulture, Department of
Agricultural Economics and Social Sciences, Division of Resource
Economics, Philippstr. 13, D-10099 Berlin, Germany. Closing date:
February 25, 2008.

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