Saturday, March 03, 2007

PhD-Student: Synchrotron microdiffraction imaging

Job description: Comprehensive structural characterization of epitaxial thin films and nanostructures includes the precise investigation of nanoparticle geometry, morphology, crystalline properties and strain and their mesoscopic fluctuations. The technique of microdiffraction imaging pushes the limits by combining high spatial resolution and high resolution in reciprocal space, thus allowing the imaging of structure properties in up to 6 dimensions in view of crystalline and nanostructure properties and their spatial variations.

The successful candidate shall extend the young technique methodically / theoretically towards genuine 6-dimensional X-ray micro-diffraction tomography, implement it at an experimental station, and apply it to new material systems complemented by various microscopy studies. Experiments will be performed at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Grenoble and at the synchrotron facility ANKA in Karlsruhe.

In line with the university’s policy of equal opportunities, applications from qualified women are particularly encouraged. Handicapped applicants will be preferred in case of the same qualification.
• completed university studies in physics, crystallography or a closely related subject with very good success;
• vivid interest in x-ray physics, solid state physics, imaging methods;
• practical experience in programming languages (ideally C++ or IDL) and computing under Linux/UNIX;
• proficiency and communication skills in the English language.
Salary: Remuneration shall be based on the Tarifvertrag für den Öffentlichen Dienst (Collective Agreement for the Public Service Sector).

Institute/Department: Institut für Synchrotonstrahlung (ISS)
Contract duration: limited 3 years
Starting date: as soon as possible
Application up to: 13.08.2007 Contact person in line-management: Mr. Prof. Dr. Tilo Baumbach, phone: +49 (0)7247 82 6820, E-mail:
Application: Please send your application referring to the identificationnumbe r of the job. ISS06-07 to Mrs. Reinhard, HPS, Telephone 07247 82-5079.

Research center, 13.02.2007
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