Saturday, November 11, 2006

Ph.D. Student, Simulation of nanoscale materials, University of Akron, Ohio, USA

Subject: 06.11.02 Ph.D. Student, Simulation of
nanoscale materials, University of Akron, Ohio, USA

2-3 Ph.D. student positions are available in the
nanoscale materials modeling group in the Department
of Polymer Engineering, University of Akron, Ohio.

Our computational research is aimed at
- controlling self-assembly at biological-inorgani c
interfaces, including adsorption of peptides on metals
and biominerals and development of accurate energy
models for biominerals
- understanding electron conduction in conjugated
polymers and at interfaces/crystall ites, including
models for the simulation of pi-conjugated polymers
and charge transport to improve efficiency in
photovoltaics, flexible displays
- structure-property relationships in nanocomposites
(clay/nanotube- surfactant- polymer), with emphasis on
exfoliation, impact of shear flow, conductivity,
light-responsive additives (e.g.
zobenzene-containin g units)

State-of-the art computing equipment and software
(Materials Studio, Cerius2) is available, and
established experimental and theoretical
collaborations play an integral role. The research
will lead to a PhD
degree within our polymer engineering program (ranked
#2 in the US).

The successful candidate should have a degree in
chemistry, chemical/biomedical engineering, mechanical
engineering, bioinformatics/ biophycics, and a strong
interest in (bio)molecular and/or coarse-grain
simulation (atomistic, coarse-grain) . Experience with
the Linux operating system and at least one
programming language (F77/90,C,C+ + etc) is beneficial.
exposure to molecular simulation program packages
(quantum-mechanical , atomistic, coarse-grain) is not
required, but would be an additional plus.

The position is for 4 years with the possibility of an
extension for a fifth year (salary $17k-$20k p.a. +
low cost of living in the area).

Please send your CV and a short cover letter
describing your research interests and goals including
the names and addresses of two references to Hendrik
Heinz, Assistant Professor, Department of Polymer
University of Akron: e-mail:
hendrik.heinz~ !~uakron. edu,
phone: +1-330-972-7467,
web:http://www.poly- eng.uakron. edu/Heinz. htm

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